A black and white drawing of a wave on a white background.

Passage Key is a stunning wildlife sanctuary where Tampa Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico, known for its crystal-clear waters and soft sandy shores. Ideal for a peaceful getaway, it offers various outdoor activities and opportunities to connect with nature.

A black and white image of a wave on a white background.

Experience the Serenity of Passage Key

Two dolphins jumping out the water
A black and white silhouette of a target on a white background.
A black and white image of a wave on a white background.

Discover Why Passage Key Is So Special

  • Snorkeling: Explore vibrant underwater ecosystems in clear waters.
  • Birding: Observe a variety of bird species in their natural habitat.
  • Shelling: Hunt for unique seashells along the pristine sandbars.
  • Swimming: Enjoy refreshing swims in the calm Gulf waters.
A black and white image of a wave on a white background.
A black and white drawing of a wave on a white background.

Our private tours offer an intimate experience for groups of only six people or fewer

A black and white image of a wave on a white background.
A black and white drawing of a wave on a white background.

Discover Passage Key

Passage key is located between Anna Maria Island and Egmont Key at the mouth of Tampa Bay. Passage Key boasts some of the clearest waters in Florida. The area features shallow waters with clean, white sandy bottoms, making it an popular spot for snorkeling and shelling. As a designated wildlife sanctuary, visitors are encouraged to admire the natural beauty while respecting the environment. While walking on the shoreline is prohibited, the vibrant marine life, including dolphins, sand dollars, and various birds, makes this island a destination that nature enthusiasts must visit. Depending on the time of year, you might see seagulls, pelicans, ospreys, and other seabirds.

A black and white image of a wave on a white background.
Top View of Jewfish island
A black and white silhouette of a dolphin jumping out of the water.
A black and white image of a wave on a white background.

Explore Passage Key With Us

It's Your Day, Your Boat, Your Opportunity To Make Great Family Memories Call (941) 702-2022 or Book Online Now !

A black and white image of a wave on a white background.